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The name of this Club shall be Welcome Newcomer Club, Inc. The Club is a not-for-profit corporation under the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
The purpose of the club shall be social, for the development of acquaintances and good fellowship.
Terms of Office shall be from the March meeting for one year to the March meeting of the following year.
A. Membership begins upon payment of membership dues.
B. All members shall abide by the By-Laws and conduct themselves in the best interest of the Club
C. A majority of the Executive Board shall have power to suspend or expel members for willful infractions of any by-law of the Club or for acts of conduct they deem disorderly, injurious, or hostile to the interests or the objectives of the Club.
A. The dues shall be determined by the Executive Board. New members shall pay full dues January through June and half-year dues July through December.
B. Dues are past due if not paid by January 31. Names shall be dropped from membership after a grace period of thirty (30) days. To be reinstated into membership, the member must again pay full dues but shall be given a New Member status and Join Date as of that date.
A. Regular luncheon meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month. The time and location shall be announced in the newsletter each month including the reservation form.
B. All luncheon reservations and payments shall be made in advance through the 1st Vice President – Reservations. In the event of cancellation, refunds shall be made only when notice has been given by the Tuesday before the luncheon.
C. Reservations are limited to members, their houseguests, and prospective members who are eligible to join. Exception is made for the Holiday Luncheon in December.
D. Prospective members may attend two luncheon meetings prior to joining the Club. Any member who is unable to attend meetings because of the inability to drive may bring a designated driver.
A. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at a Board Meeting.
B. The Club members present shall constitute a quorum at a regular meeting.
A. The Executive Board has all rights to approve,amend, or repeal any club activity not in the best interest of the Club.
B. The governing Board of the Club shall be the President, 1st Vice President -- Luncheons, 2nd Vice President -- Reservations, 3rd Vice President -- Programs, and 4th Vice President -- Membership, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The immediate Past President shall be an ex officio Executive Board member following their term of office. If any of these positions are shared, all parties shall be voting members.
C. The Executive and General Board shall meet each month on the Monday following the luncheon to coordinate plans and activities of the Club.
D. The General Board shall consist of the Newsletter Editor, Website Administrator, and all Standing Committee/Activity Chairpersons.
A. The office of the President shall be filled by a Club member who has previously served in either an Executive or General Board position for a full year
B. All other candidates for elective office shall be chosen from the membership.
C. In October the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee, which shall consist of the Parliamentarian, two (2) present Board members, and two (2) members from the general membership. They shall meet to select candidates for nomination for President, 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, 4th Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. No potential nominee may be asked to take a position before the committee has met. It shall be made clear to any nominee that Board Meeting attendance is expected. Nominees shall be selected on the basis of their ability to perform the duties of the office and their willingness to accept the responsibilities. The Nominating Committee’s names shall be published in the November newsletter. The nominees’ names shall be published in the December newsletter. Election of officers shall be at the January luncheon. At this time, other nominations may be made from the floor by any member in good standing. The vote shall then proceed by a voice vote. Candidates then receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected.
D. Installation of Officers shall take place in March.
E. 1. Annual reports from each outgoing Vice President shall be presented to the outgoing President at the March Board Meeting to be included in the records. The outgoing Treasurer shall submit the February audit as well. The outgoing President and the outgoing Parliamentarian shall discuss the By-Laws and answer any questions for the new officers.
2. New Officers shall receive, at the March Board Meeting, guidance on their respective positions. At that time, all records from previous officers shall be turned over to the new Board members. If the outgoing Board member is absent, she must contact the new Board member for training.
F. The outgoing President, now ex officio, shall officially turn the meeting over to the new President.
A. Term limit for President of the Club shall be two years. Term limits for elected officers shall be three years.
B. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of President, it shall be filled by the 1st Vice President – Luncheons. Vacancies in any other Executive office shall be selected by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.
C. The President shall:
1. Be the principal elected officer of the club and, in general, shall supervise all the business and affairs of the Club.
2. Preside at all meetings of the Board and all general meetings.
3. Appoint all General Board members as needed.
4. Form any committees for various activities of the Club.
5. Fill any vacancies on the Board by naming a member of the Club.
6. Approve the contents of the Club newsletter.
7. Be one of the officers authorized to sign the checks of the Club in the Treasurer’s absence.
8. Call for a report from each elected officer and general board member at each Board Meeting.
9. Conduct the luncheon/general meetings.
10. Act upon any suggestions or problems brought before her by the Board.
11. Ensure that the Treasurer’s books are audited twice annually (February and August).
12. Be the registered agent of the Corporation responsible for filing the necessary document amending the Corporate Officers. (See Article XIII, Section C, for filing instructions.)
13. File the Annual Report online between January 1 and March 1, including corporate fee to the State of Florida.
14. In general, perform all duties incident to the office of the President.
15. Maintain a list of all property owned by the Club and under whose care it resides.
16. File IRS report. (See Article XIII, Section D.)
D. The 1st Vice President – Luncheons shall:
1. Preside in the absence of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.
2. Serve as aide to the President.
3. Make reservations and menu selections, determine presence of podium, microphone system, and flag. Ensure appropriate venues for the Club luncheons.
4. Coordinate luncheon check advances with Treasurer. Coordinate luncheon venues with 3rd Vice President – Programs regarding any special needs of speakers and with 2nd Vice President – Reservations regarding table set-up.
5. Verify and approve luncheon billing before check is written by the Treasurer.
6. Book the April luncheon, even though the term of office ends in March.
E. The 2nd Vice President – Reservations shall:
1. Receive luncheon checks from members.
2. Serve as aide to the President and preside in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President – Luncheons.
3. Give luncheon entrée count to restaurant venue.
4. Prepare and organize nametags for each luncheon attendee, to include entrée choice, seating table, birthday, new member and guest designations, as appropriate.
5. Arrange seating for members and guests in keeping with the purpose of the meeting and making new friends.
6. Provide 4th Vice President – Membership with attendee list prior to date of luncheon.
7. Provide the President with attendee list, birthday list, new member list, guests, and the seating chart prior to the luncheon.
8. Provide Treasurer with all monies and an accounting of all monies collected for the luncheon each month.
F. The 3rd Vice President – Programs shall:
1. Arrange programs for luncheon meetings. Secure approval of the President prior to booking speakers. At luncheons, invite speaker to sit at her table during lunch, if he or she stays.
2. Apprise Board members of scheduled programs at each Board Meeting.
3. Arrange a location for New Member Coffee twice a year if numbers warrant. Invite new members who have joined since last Coffee. Remind Executive Board to also attend.
4. In the absence of President and 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, assume the responsibilities of the President.
5. Provide Speaker Form to speaker prior to luncheon, including all necessary information regarding luncheon location and menu, speaker time, etc., as well as solicitation/selling policy.
6. Plan Speaker for April luncheon, even though the term of office ends in March.
G. The 4th Vice President – Membership shall:
1. Maintain an ongoing and accurate membership file and records of all members.
2. Keep records up to date and to prepare for Directory printing.
3. Collect dues and turn over all monies to Treasurer.
4. Ensure that New Member information is included in the newsletter.
5. At Board Meeting give accounting of new memberships.
6. Mail newsletter to new members.
7. Distribute Membership Directory to members.
H. The Recording Secretary shall:
1. Keep the minutes of the Club.
2. Send Board minutes to the President for approval within ten (10) days of the Board Meeting, then to all Executive and General Board Members. Bring a few extra copies to the Board Meeting as handouts.
3. Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned to her by the President.
I. The Treasurer shall:
1. Have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds.
2. Keep accurate records of all transactions, balance with the bank statement each month, and retain all receipts.
3. Require a business receipt and approval from the President for all disbursements over $50.00.
4. In the absence of a business receipt, payment amounts shall be limited to $50.00.
5. Prior to luncheon check payment, acquire approval from the 1st Vice President – Luncheons; in her absence, obtain approval from the President.
6. Deposit all monies received by the Club in the name of the Corporation in such bank of the Corporation.
7. Perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned.
8. Make records available to the Board when requested. A copy of Audit shall be attached to Treasurer’s books, and copy shall go to President.
9. Prepare and present a budget to the Board for approval at the March meeting to be published in the April newsletter.
J. The Parliamentarian shall:
1. Be appointed by the President.
2. Be well versed in the rules and usage of the By-Laws giving attention to the continuity of all activities of the Club.
3. Report to the President on any infraction and recommendation for the common unity of the Club.
4. Assist president in any capacity when asked to advise on questions of procedure in transacting the business of the Club legally, efficiently, and impartially.
5. Serve on the Nominating Committee.
6. Install newly elected officers at the March luncheon.
7. Discuss By-Laws and answer questions to any changes at the March Board Meeting.
K. The immediate Past President shall:
1. Serve as ex officio member of the Executive Board.
2. Share information from the previous year.
3. Make suggestions from experience of new ideas or problems that can be avoided.
4. Arrange annual joint Board luncheon.
A. The Club shall publish a monthly newsletter including an event calendar, new member information, special announcements, luncheon menu/venue/reservation form, and such other information as appropriate to the objectives of the organization or required as mentioned elsewhere in these By-Laws.
B. The Club publishes a Membership Directory in March to be distributed in April each year. Distribution of the Directory shall be restricted to Club members. The contents of the Directory shall include contact information for all Club Officers, Members, and General Board members, and a copy of these By-Laws.
C. The Club shall maintain a website ( to provide general information about the Club to the public and prospective members. In addition, the website has a private area to provide Club Members online access to restricted information, such as the Membership Directory. The Website Administrator manages the approval of website members.
D. There shall be no term limits on General Board members.
E. General Board members should attend Board Meetings to ensure the smooth function of all the many extra activities of the Club.
F. All General Board member shall be appointed by the President, their names having been submitted to and approved by the Executive Board.
G. All monies taken in by a Committee shall be turned in to the Treasurer, and all monies given out by a Committee shall be transmitted from the Treasurer unless permission to do otherwise has been granted by the President.
A. The Club shall sponsor within its framework such activity groups as serve the purpose of the Club and receive adequate support from its members. All participants of such groups shall be members of the Welcome Newcomer Club, Inc.
B. The General Board member in charge of each activity group is responsible for providing information about the group’s meetings, events, etc., to the newsletter editor.
C. Applications to form a new activity group may be made to the President by any member of the Club. Proposed applications shall then be presented to the Executive Board for approval. The name and meeting schedule of the group or any changes thereto shall be approved by the Executive Board.
D. Only members may participate in Club activities, unless noted in activity write-up. Exceptions may also be made at the discretion of the General Board Member responsible for the activity.
A. Auditing of the Treasurer’s records shall be in February and August.
B. Bank statements shall be turned into the Welcome Newcomer Club, Inc., President or designee upon request for audit.
C. Expenses, corporate taxes, and filing of the Annual Report to the Florida Department of State shall be the responsibility of the Corporation, under the direction of the President.
1. Responsibility for filing the online Annual Report, including any Amendments to the Articles of Corporation to ensure names of newly elected officers and any By-Law changes, if applicable, are correctly and timely filed with the State of Florida.
2. Associated State fees shall be paid with the filing of said documentation.
3. See for more details regarding Corporation filing and instructions. Online Annual Report filing may be found at
D. An IRS report, Form 990N by Electronic Notice (e-Postcard) shall be filed annually by the Corporation under the direction of the President.
The fiscal year of the Welcome Newcomer Club, Inc., shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December of each year.
A. “Roberts Rules of Order” is the authority on all points not otherwise covered by the By-Laws.
B. The By-Laws shall be reviewed every three (3) years by a committee appointed by the Executive Board. Current President and the Parliamentarian shall be represented on the committee. In the event a serious problem occurs that could affect the Club’s continuity or tax and financial structure, or a By-Law change that would greatly enhance the Club’s operation, it shall be submitted in writing and voted on by the Executive Board before the three-year period.
1. Money, which would be approved by the Executive Board, may be donated to a charitable organization from the Treasury, not to exceed $200.00 per year. All special luncheon parties or activities, e.g., door prizes, outgoing Board luncheon, etc., must be voted on by the Board. This does not include the outgoing President’s gift.
2. No outside announcements or advertisements may be placed in the newsletter or distributed at luncheons unless approved by the President. All Club announcements must be approved by the President.
3. No products are sold or openly promoted at our luncheons, and all speakers are so informed by the Information For Speakers Form or by the 3nd Vice President for Programs.
4. The Club is not responsible for damage to hostesses’ homes and/or theft during official functions.
5. In order to protect our members’ privacy and to prevent exposure to solicitation of goods and/or services, identity theft, or any form of harassment, nonmembers shall not be given Membership Directories or provided access to the restricted area of the website.
6. All activities Special Activities and Committees shall be self supporting. This includes supplies, postage, printing of copies, playing cards, etc.
7. Each outside activity must keep a ledger of members, purpose, and information on the activity.
8. If necessary, an air-conditioned storage locker shall be rented to store all records and photo albums for the Corporation.
Revised May 11, 2009, with Executive Board approval on June 8, 2009.
Revised Feb. 17, 2012, with Executive Board approval on March 12, 2012.
Revised Feb. 9, 2015, with Executive Board approval on March 9, 2015.
Revised Jan. 25, 2018, with Executive Board approval on Feb. 12, 2018
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